Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Ideas, wishes and maybe-laters

Not much to show for today, except for my huge ball of super bulky yarn that used to be a vest. It's as big as my head. It even has ears. Those were not intentional though.

I could not get the colour balance right on the photo...

It looks a bit scary. It will be a scarf, hopefully loose and airy. I have been practising crocheting after a break that lasted several years and I am so happy I took very detailed notes for myself. I knew I would have to relearn things at some point and there's no need to reinvent the wheel too, as they say.

 I'm still undecided concerning the pattern, I might just use one fancy lacy stitch... Or create my own weirdness. Time will tell, after I practise more.

I have a few ideas for other things I would like to make...

  • A phone sack/strap/thing to carry my phone around the house on days where I wear no pockets. How can one be without pockets? And for a while, all the pockets on any jeans I found in stores were just too small. It's a conspiracy. Women have the right to pockets too! Ok, I'll cool down.
  • Cross stitched pixel art on t-shirts. Instead of printed t-shirts, I could have stitched ones. I'm a big gamer, so I will definitely find very pixelated stuff I could stitch. I got the inspiration from another gamer who likes to cross stitch. Btw... I've never cross stitched except for on cardboard as a child. How hard can it be? I already have the hoop and a pen that writes on fabric with fading ink.
  • A choker necklace in tatting that is less flowery and more metal. Because I'm a bit of a metal head. I might design it myself.
  • I have a tatted dragon I still want to stitch to something. Jeans or a t-shirt.
  • A proper cuff bracelet for my entire forearm. Maybe in tatting. Maybe in crochet. Maybe with a dragon attached to it. Hmm...

And I didn't even mention the works in progress that I still need to finish. Now, all I need is the mental energy for it.


  1. An interesting and varied list! Keep us posted with WIP pics 💜

    1. Yes, I do need to get working on some of those... I will definitely take pictures.

  2. Ooh, it’s nice to have lots of projects on the to-do list. Even if they don’t all eventuate. The trick with cross stitch is to make sure all the crosses cross the same way. It’s surprisingly obvious if they don’t.

    1. That is a very good tip, you're right. Thank you! I will keep it in mind.


Any feedback or questions are welcome.