Sunday, October 15, 2023

Test tatting Holly Snowflake

I know I have been talking about crocheting, but this week I've been tatting.

One of the projects that have kept me busy was test tatting Frivole's new Holly Snowflake pattern. Since she has posted my photo too, I will show it as well. Of course, the ends are now all hidden away.

It's looking frosty in blue

It was my first time test tatting. I must say it was interesting following written instructions to the letter and working in a regular way. Maybe you don't know, but I usually go by the diagrams and I have my own version of some of the joins. But this was no time to go rogue.

I really enjoyed making the snowflake. I learned a few things that I wasn't too familiar with. Coincidentally, one of the techniques helped me in my next tatting project. And I hope my observations were useful to Frivole in turn.

What I like is that the inspiration was a real snowflake and the tatted one really did end up looking quite similar to it. I'd say definitely check it out.


  1. You have done such a professional job with your tatting! I Love it 💙💙💙

    1. Thank you! I did treat it as a small professional project and did my best.

  2. Yours is beautiful. I made a few stupid mistakes. Was able to comment on the pattern but not show the snowflake! Yes, I loved seeing the original snowflake that was inspiration for the tatted one.

    1. Thank you very much! Oh, don't worry, mistakes happen even to seasoned tatters.

  3. Oh my -- this is beautiful tatting. Job well done


Any feedback or questions are welcome.