Friday, October 6, 2023

Luggage tag, but not quite

I'm always glad when I can marry off any of my little bits and ends of lace. Even better when they get a good purpose.

Three such pieces ended up on mom's luggage today. She wanted a sure way of identifying her trolley and asked me for some of my tatted lace. She chose two almost identical coaster centres that never made it into coasters because of a wrong stitch count. She also had a brooch I had given her a couple of years back that was bright and visible.

I attached the brooch by its needle, but it wasn't secure enough apart from that, so she asked me to sew in the edges too. I did, but the brooch back was standing off too much, so, after a bit of wiggling, I convinced it to come off through a gap in the lace, without having to undo my fresh stitches.

My tool of choice today was the curved needle, since a straight one would have been too difficult to get in and out of the tough bag facing from just one side. It worked like a charm. And with the help of my trusted pliers, the work was quick and painless. It's great to have good tools!

Here is my little handywork. I think it looks quite jolly. Mom sure likes it. My lace is once more going places, hehe!


  1. Your mum’s bag is definitely distinctive! Well done. Curved needle was a brilliant idea.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad it was included in a needle set, otherwise I wouldn't have known about it.

  2. Splendid!!! I've used a curved needle for some mattress work, but it is so fiddly. Glad it worked so well for you 💜

    1. Thank you! It is fiddly indeed, but much better than a straight one. And I gripped it with my pliers, so that helped too.

  3. so cool to know your lace is travelling : ) I own a couple curved needles and find them helpful for button backs. The fibers are tight and the curve helps -- I'm glad you had one on hand.

    1. Yes, it's good to have useful tools handy! I have a lot of needles from my old needle tatting days too.


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