Adventures in Coaster Land. The split chain that was not split

Previously on Dandelion Lace...

"So, rather than hiding the ends, I go about learning how to make split chains and relearning (yes, shame on me, I know) how to make split rings with 2 shuttles."

And now, the conclusion:

I was making another coaster and ran out of thread... again (I tell you, this thread is so thick, I can barely fit 2 meters on a shuttle). But I ended up with just one shuttle and I had one more chain to make.

Not too thrilled about hiding 3 ends in one section, I started wishing that there could be a way to make a chain with just one shuttle... a single shuttle chain... And then it hit me.

I could just make a split chain, but only the second part, with just one shuttle. So I do my best to measure the core thread and made the split (but not split) chain.

It looks almost ok. Not as tight as my usual chains with this thread (I'm not big on flabby coasters) and 1 mm or 2 longer than the other chains, but I feel quite happy with it. Not bad for a split chain newbie :)


And, as a bonus, the thread was nice enough to allow me to open up two closed rings. Not all threads have been this helpful!

Now on to more coasters and the tatting adventures they bring!


  1. This is why tatting keeps us sharp - one can figure things out with a bit of brainpower 😍 BTW, it is a common misconception, rather perception, that split chains require 2 shuttles as in SRs. But now I am curious about how you made the SCh with 2 shuttles? 💖👌

    1. Hmm, well split chains do need two shuttles, because you make the first part as a normal chain with two shuttles and shuttle 2 then stops. The core shuttle will then work backwords by itself from the other end of the chain to make the rest of the chain until it meets shuttle 2. It is for when you want to have 2 threads sticking out from the middle of the chain rather than one of the ends.

    2. Thanks, Lavi 💕 You have described it perfectly. So you still do Not need a 2nd shuttle to actually make a SCh, only to continue out to next round/element.
      I am very happy you did such a wonderful job of it - it is truly exhilarating 😍

    3. Thank you! :)
      Yes, i think what i made is more of a backwards chain than a split chain...

    4. Lavi, what I'm trying to say is that in both cases you made a split chain 😃 and you made it in Exactly the same fashion 😉 This is basically Dora Young's knotless method or bridging. 💝

    5. Ah, i had no idea that is what it was called :)

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, Lavi! I've just read through all of your posts, which were wonderful. I've tried split chains, but never with one shuttle. I hope I remember to try it some day. I love the idea of giving trinkets on March 1, a tradition I was not familiar with. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. Thank you! Wow, you had a lot of time on your hands to read everything! So nice of you!


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